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Using an ePortfolio to improve my teaching

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

I have really gained a better understanding and appreciation for a growth mindset. For years, my school preached a growth mindset, but I never really understood HOW to create a growth mindset other than telling myself and students to simply not give up. But now I understand the steps to identifying a fixed mindset and how to work past it, and I have been applying that knowledge to everything.

I think the best use of my ePortfolio is as a resource for my students. I would like students to be able to find examples of assignments and projects, as well as extra resources about fun history topics that dig a little deeper into the content. My blended learning plan does not deal specifically with students creating an ePortfolio, but I hope that after I implement my blended learning plan, I will have more ideas about how to incorporate them into my lessons.

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