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"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist see opportunity in every difficulty."

Winston Churchill

Growth Mindset and the COVA Learning Approach

Growth Mindset and the COVA learning approach have truly changed my outlook on learning. The assignments are not just items to be checked off a list but authentic projects that are meaningful and applicable to my own classroom. The process of building a growth mindset has been challenging at times because all of my years in education have been focused on the grade and not the process. However, the benefit of being in a COVA learning approach course is that I am creating projects that are meaningful to me, and this gives me the motivation to learn from my mistakes and take the critical feedback to make my projects even better. The following links detail and explain my growth mindset plan, learning manifesto and learning networks.

Growth Mindset

The concept of growth mindset has the ability to transform students into learners. It focuses on the process of learning and taking every mistake and failure as an opportunity to learn and grow instead of an indicator of one's ability. It is not just a way of thinking but of acting when faced with challenges and setbacks.

Image by Fakurian Design

Learning Manifesto

As a history teacher, I strongly believe in the power of an inclusive curriculum and exploring issues from multiple perspectives. This is more possible than ever due to the increasing access to technology and the internet. The digital age has the ability to transform the study of history with the ability to connect with people and dig into resources from around the world.

Image by Erik Mclean

Learning Networks

I have been part of a Professional Learning Community at my school for the past 11 years. We were given one class period every day to collaborate with teachers of the same subject, same grade and same department. This was extremely beneficial to improving student learning, but it does not need to be limited to the constraints of the school building. Click the link below to explore my learning networks through social media.

Image by Diego PH
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