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Image by Sascha Bosshard

Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up."

Image by Fabio Bracht

Learning Networks

As a history teacher and a lifelong learner, it is crucial that I am part of learning networks. Our world changes a little bit everyday, and I need to continue learning and growing if I am to remain an effective teacher. Learning networks give me an opportunity to hear new ideas and receive support, but just as important is the chance for me to pass on any knowledge and wisdom I have gained over my years of teaching. I have been fortunate to work at a school that makes time for professional learning communities, and I know that daily collaboration made me a much better educator.

Teaching and Technology

This Facebook group is really wonderful because it focuses on Edtech news and upcoming trends. I appreciate that the stories have a variety of topics that include social media, tips for online teaching and current events in regards to educational technology. This group will not only help me know about the best tech resources for my classroom, but I feel like it will keep me up to speed on the technology that teenagers are using.

Secondary Social Studies Teachers Collaborative Group

This Facebook group is more specific to what I teach, and I love going through and seeing all the lessons that other social studies teachers are creating. It is a great space for me to get ideas for specific lessons, and I can share my lesson ideas and get feedback from other history teachers. I just joined, and I already have saved several ideas to try in my own classroom.

PBLWorks Community

Project Based Learning is the direction I would like to take my social studies classes. It requires critical thinking and collaboration while working on authentic problems. I have taken a two day training, and while I am inspired, I feel that I need a lot more support to fully implement PBL into my classroom. This is a great network of other teachers who are implementing PBL along with trained PBL experts available for support.  I like that I can get project ideas from this group but also specific guidance with challenges I am facing.

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