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Writer's pictureAnna Akuretiya

Reaching the heart before the mind

A couple of years ago at a training, the presenter told us that we must address a student’s heart before discussing a needed behavior change. A student will shut down when you start the conversation with a lecture about inappropriate behavior and consequences. Instead if a teacher starts the conversation by sharing how much they care about the student and then discusses the behavior, students respond much more favorably and the behavior changes happen more frequently. Neurologists have shown that the emotional piece of our brain is wired first and more strongly connected compared to the rational piece, and this is clearly evident in developing teenage brains. John Kotter (2011) shares that it is this emotion to emotion connection that has the power to help change someone’s feelings and behavior.

This idea of reaching the heart before the mind is also extremely important in order for students to be engaged in the content. I hear students say all the time, “Why do we have to learn this?” and too often the answer is because it is in the curriculum and thus, important. Sinek (2009) argues that even great products will fail if they are only promoting what you do or what you need to know. Instead if a product is first introduced with WHY we need it, then people are more willing to engage. The same is true for teaching and promoting the why behind the curriculum. I teach U.S. history, and I believe the “why” for learning it can also be combined with the urgency that Kotter (2013) speaks of. Young people want to have a voice and influence over their lives, and emphasizing the urgency and the reason why we study history will have a much more powerful change over my students than if I just tell them because it is in the curriculum set by the state.

Kotter, J. (2011, March 23). The heart of change. YouTube. Retrieved January 17, 2022, from

Kotter, J. (2013, August 15). Leading change: Establish a sense of urgency. YouTube. Retrieved January 17, 2022, from

Sinek, S. (2009, September). How great leaders inspire action. TED. Retrieved January 12, 2022, from

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