Communicating a Vision before Change
Updated: Nov 16, 2021
Before I read, “Are you an Innovative Educator?” I expected to be able to check off some items from the list. I try new things and am always looking to improve, but never do my assignments make it out of my classroom. This article is a good push to take bigger steps out of our normal routine and teaching and to really match the “why” of our lessons with the “what.”
I feel very strongly about John Cotter’s message in “Communicating a Vision for Change.” Under communication is such a significant mistake because it devalues the people you are communicating to. It says you are not important enough to know the details about this change, but you will follow it completely when the time is here. I have taught under 5 principals in 13 years, and my last principal, who led us through Covid did an amazing job of communicating with the teachers, students and the community about the changes we would all experience. He sent out weekly newsletters, one to teachers and one to parents, addressing the big issues and left the important links from previous emails at the bottom of the letter. For the staff, these newsletters took the place of long after school staff meetings, and this made all of us feel like he truly respected our time and professionalism. During Covid especially, his empathy, honesty and openness in his communication through videos, newsletters and emails, settled nerves and anxiety as much as could be expected. He truly was exemplary in his communication, and it resulted in parents and staff being more likely to support changes that he made.